Recalling a first encounter with a bad-guy...
'Right out of highschool I got a job as a security guard for a apartment complex in a very high-crime area of Columbus. The 'company' handed me a badge, uniform and handgun (revolver) and told me to guard the apartment complex. No radio, no phone no nothing. As I wandered around the complex, on foot, in a dark uniform all I could hear was sporatic gunfire in the area and a lot of domestic disputes in-progress. At around 0200 hrs I noticed a little pile of stuff in the corner of a parking area. It was a car stereo, some change and credit cards... I thought to myself that some idiot actually left his stuff outside. As I continued my walk I found another pile this time two car steros and cassett tapes, change etc... I again thought to myself that another idiot left his stuff out in the open. It was not very long before I came across a car with its door left open...I thought to myself some idiot even left his car door open! I peered inside and observed a bunch of wires where the stereo used to be! Hey... I thought... something is going on here! Utilizing my flashlight ( a 6 D-cell head banger Mag-lite) I started peering into cars. As I walked past one I saw a black male laying on the back-seat floor. Unsure what to do I walked up to the nearest apartment building and knocked on the door while at the same time continuously panning my flashlight beam across the vehicle so the subject would think I was still walking around. The occupant of the apartment yelled down from a 2nd floor window and asked what I wanted. I tried to explain the scenario while panning my light back and forth across the vehicle. The occupant said he would call for me and closed his window. The subject in the car soon exited and headed my way carrying a large tire-iron (used for entering locked cars)... I was in a panic mode for about one second when suddenly 100 police cars and a helicopter came out of nowhere!!!! The apartment occupant had told a police dispatcher that some sort of cop was banging on his door and needed help! Thank God they placed a 'Officer Down' call! The calvary came and saved the day instead of a newspaper article about a dead security guard or a security guard who shot somebody to death! I was officially hooked on this life style!